Thursday, May 15, 2008

my critical romance


In this chapter, I had learned that in every article, the writer will state their stance and will supported it by giving some research finding and some quotation from the journal. The interesting information about this topic is we can develop our basic skills in critical literacy on a sample text. The key questions to ask in this topic are:

· What stance is taken in the text?

· What does the stance tell us about the writer/producer’s beliefs?

· What implications does this have for our understanding of the text?

In this chapter, we had learned ‘Battling the bullies’ by Simos, Martina (2003, April 8). The Advertiser, page 31. It this article, we learned how to identify the writer’s perspective by searching the evidence in the article. The interesting part of this unit is, we can learn on how the writer supports his stance by condemning other people.

From this topic, I have learned new information regarding on how to support our stance when we write an article. I also learned that the purpose of this last stage of the unit is for me to take time on what I have learned in this unit and to evaluate the progress I have made, as well as to identify any difficulties or obstacles I have encountered.

I also have to be aware that the issues introduced in this chapter will be returned to repeatedly in the course, and each time I will gain a ‘layer’ of understanding and practice in applying the skills I learn.

I found this unit is not too difficult to understand and the article also is quite simple compared from the other units because the writer had used simple terminologies in order to represent his/her perspective toward the issues.


First of all, I would like to say I am fully understood what the group is explaining about. Dalila, Zalikha, and Fatihah had explained about the perspective of the writer in ‘Battling the Bullies’. They also had explained on how the writer supports his/her stances. They also had state the meaning of myths. Myth is a set of signs which implies extremely familiar and influential social structure thinking. They also give some meaning for difficult terminologies for example paradigmatic, connotation, denotation, and so many more.

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